SSL redirection

From or TO To accomplished the above redirection, there are few options, you can do it in IIS, web.config, live server sitting, redirection in the code level Web.config In web.config you can put the below code inside tag and that should work: <rewrite> <rules> <rule name=”Redirect to www” patternSyntax=”Wildcard” stopProcessing=”true”> <match … Continued

E-commerce … or NopCommerce?

When I was first asked to write a E-commerce site, I have to decide which language to use? Should I use open source or should I use a product out there? And after a lot of research, there is really not a single product out there that will just work out of the box and … Continued

To Azure or not to azure

Lately we been moving website into the cloud, but before answering the question to azure or not to azure, perhaps we should find out to cloud or not to cloud… I think there is no definite answer to this question, and to see if your project fits into the cloud, you should look into what … Continued

Steps to deploy Nopcommerce 2.0+

The deployment of Nopcommerce puzzles me for a while and below I create the below check list to remind myself. Since we are using .NET, I assumed we are all using VS2010 Rebuild Solution… (yes… that will takes a while for nopcommerce to rebuild) Go to Solution Explorer, right click on Nop.Web project to publish … Continued

Sknuz by GlobalMagic

The Situation: Create a a mobile website that allows high students to engage in school events and activities. The Solution: Idea Notion helped Sknuz connect its users thorough social media, allowing to users interact with the website by posting photos, commenting, and rating events. By Bryan Xu