Develop WordPress on Azure Made Easy

Developing WordPress on Azure now is quite easy, thanks to the rich tools provided by Microsoft. Based on my recent experience, in this post I will highlight what needs to be done to easily develop WordPress on Azure. Prerequisites Have an

Tokken: A New Way of Paying it Forward

You may have read the book or seen the 2000 film adaptation of Pay It Forward, the story of eleven year Trevor McKinney, who is given a social studies assignment to “change our world and put it into action.” Trevor comes up with the idea of “Pay it Forward,” where he will perform 3 random … Continued

EF Code First 4.3 Migration Exceptions

While working on a project using EF Code First recently, and came across the EF database migration. By following the Microsoft blog on how to perform the automatic migration, we hit an strange error when running the command “Update-Database”. System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. —> System.ArgumentException: The parameter is … Continued