Titika Canada

The Situation: Titika is a retail store offering fashion forward active-wear clothing that is easily incorporated into everyday life. It carries forward a philosophy of


SwapBag is a social network website that enables users to swap and trade their used items. It is fully integrated with Facebook and Twitter and leverages the full power of social media. By Michael Siu

Use ASP.NET 4 URL Routing in nopCommerce 2

The 9 steps in the previous post should have gotten the re-writing working, but there are also more that needs to be refined. The biggest change in the previous post was the use of SEName to retrieve category as opposed to CategoryId. This creates an additional manual step as when you insert a new category … Continued

Use ASP.NET 4 URL Routing in nopCommerce

Note: in this discussion the nopCommerce version is 1.90 and it addresses only the product category page, not the product details page. In 1.90 the old Manager classes were re-named to Service classes, but beside such naming change, most of the inside logics remain intact (as far as this topic is concerned). nopCommerce by default … Continued