Javascript – Dynamically Built Front-End for Back-End Testing

When testing back-end systems have you always wished that your front-end would just handle itself so you can focus on what’s important? Well that’s what I’m discussing today. Last week I had to write a HTML testing page for testing a

User Migration from phpBB to WordPress

Today’s topic involves migration, a process often boggled with frustration is caused by incompatibilities, missing data, linkages and whatnot. Our subjects for this migration are phpBB and WordPress, specifically the

WordPress connecting to SQL Azure

Microsoft makes WordPress on Azure easier, but a tricky situation arises when we need to use MsSQL instead of MySQL for WordPress on Azure. I recently did a project that we migrated a website where wordpress connected to MySQL DB to WordPress, then connected to MsSQL DB. I made many mistakes and encountered many issues … Continued

Using Azure Worker Role as Email Processing Server

Windows Azure enables you to be more creative by leveraging web/worker roles, parallelism, queuing, service bus, distributed cache, and a lot more. I just want to share an easy way to delegate the email component to Azure Worker Role and Azure Queue storage. Sending email is a very basic and common scenario for web application. … Continued